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Kunsthistorisches Institut

Activities in 2015


Excursion of the project members to Berlin (Museum of Asian Art, exhibition: “Kindertränen und Blütenpracht: Chinesische Bilder auf Seide und Papier“)

Public evening lecture given at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin by Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schäfer (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin:) Silk: The Worm and the Fiber (30. Jan. 2015)

Visit of the carpet restoration workshop of the Museum of Islamic Art, Berlin with chief restorer Anette Beselin (Archäologisches Zentrum)

Presentation and discussion of individual research projects of the team members (closed session)


Excursion of Anne Röhl and Anika Reineke to Vienna

Visit to the Museum für angewandte Kunst (MAK), special attention paid to the display of the museum’s carpet collection, and the depository, with curator Barbara Karl.

Visit to the exhibition Schlaflos – Das Bett in Geschichte und Gegenwartskunst, 21er Haus and the tapestries of the Wiener Hofburg.


Paper by Anika Reineke: Muster und Rapport. Wandbespannungen des Rokoko at the Kunsthochschule Münster, 02.07.2015.


Excursion of the project members to Copenhagen

Visit to the Davids Collection with director Kjeld von Foldsack, to the National Museum of Denmark with Senior Researcher Ulla Mannering and to the Brede depository with curator Katia Johansen.

Presentation and discussion of individual research projects by the members of the team and of the Center for Textile Research (CTR) at the CTR (closed session).

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