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Institute of Art History

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Studied art history, philosophy and educational theory in Kiel, Hamburg, Berlin and Frankfurt/M.; 2000 Doctorate; 2001-2009 Research Associate at the Institute of Art History, Stuttgart University; 2007-9 Habilitation scholarship at the German Forum for Art History, Paris; 2009 Visiting professor at the Chair for Contemporary Art History, Aesthetics and Art Theory, State Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart; 2010-2011 Visiting professor, Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design; 2012-14 Fellow at the Wrangell Excellence Programme Baden-Württemberg; 2015 Habilitation at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M.; October 2014-July 2017 Visiting professor for Modern Art History, Institute for Art History and Historical Urban Studies, Technical University, Berlin.

Since August 2017 Chair for Modern and Contemporary Art at the Institute of Art History at Zurich University.

Research Focus

  • Theory and history of museums, collection and exhibition history
  • Transcultural art history
  • Art of the modern era, Primitivism, the reception of extra-European art
  • Copy and original
  • Art in the public sphere
  • Photography and current art in African countries