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Kunsthistorisches Institut

Dahi Jung

Dahi Jung, M.A.

  • Candoc Stipendiatin / Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Main research interests

Artistic and cultural exchange between China and Europe; Export art; material culture of late Qing China; presentation and reception of East Asian art in Europe; history and historiography of collecting East Asian art in Europe


Ongoing PhD project

Working Title: Enlightened: Bidirectional Knowledge Transfer through Natural History Illustrations between China and the West c. 1750-1842

This PhD project will be financed by the UZH Candoc grant (Time span: 2024 – 2026).



Teaching experience (HS22–FS24)

  • Introduction to Chinese Art 
    (Übung mit regionalem Schwerpunkt, FS24)
  • Craft in East Asian Visual Culture
    (Übung, HS23)
  • Excursion to Sweden
    (Excursion, HS23, co-teaching with Isabelle Leemann, M.A.)
  • Art and Nation: Forms of Contact and Exchange in East Asian Visual Culture, 1850–1945
    (BA Seminar, Modul Wort und Bild in der ostasiatischen Kunst, FS23, co-teaching with Anna Herren, M.A.)
  • Collecting East Asia in Europe 
    (Übung, FS23, co-teaching with Anna Herren, M.A.) 
  • Grundlagenwissen der Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens 
    (Einführungskurs, HS22, co-teaching with Isabelle Leemann, M.A.)
  • Introduction to Japanese Art History
    (Übung mit regionalem Schwerpunkt, HS22)

Weiterführende Informationen


Universität Zürich
Kunsthistorisches Institut
Abteilung Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens
Rämistrasse 73 
8006 Zürich

Büro: RAA-G-05 (2. OG)
Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich