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Gastprofessorin im HS 2012 für Theorie und Geschichte der Fotografie
Büro: Rämistrasse 73, RAK-306
Tel: +41 (0)44 634 29 54
Fax: +41 (0)44 634 49 14
„Einführung in die Theorie und Geschichte der Fotografie"
Zeit: donnerstags, 08:00-09:45 Uhr
Lehrveranstaltungssprache: englisch
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer: 2330
„Science and photography"
Zeit: donnerstags, 14:00-15:45 Uhr
Lehrveranstaltungssprache: englisch
Lehrveranstaltungsnummer: 4484
19th and 20th century photography of Europe and North America, 19th and 20th century photographic visual culture of western science, photographic historiography, scientific photography, digital research resources, museum and archive studies.
Reader in Photographic History, De Montfort University, 1 May 2012 – present.
Senior Research Fellow, De Montfort University, 1 September 2008 – 1 May 2012.
Research Scholar, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 1 September 2005 – 30 August 2008. Project: The Nature of Photographic Evidence, as a part of The History of Scientific Observation, Department II, director Lorraine Daston.
Research Fellow, Photographs Exhibited in Britain 1839 – 1865, De Montfort University, Leicester, U.K. (, 31 March – 31 September, 2004.
Assistant Editor, The Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland ( 2000 – 2003. I was the sole full-time editor on this project, working closely with the Director in the day to day maintenance of the database and coordination of the staff.
Publications in languages other than English have been noted as such. Forthcoming Kelley Wilder and Gregg Mitman (eds) Documenting the World
‘Die fotografische Methode: Beobachtung, Experiment und Visualisierung’ in Fotogeschichte 122 (2011), 23-30. (German)
‘Reconstructions’, in Robert Polidori Ars Memorativa (New York, Beverly Hills, Hong Kong: Sundaram Tagore Gallery, 2011) 5-7.
‘Locating the Photographic Archive of Science’ in Costanza Caraffa ed. Photo Archives and the Photographic Memory of Art History (Berlin, Munich: Deutsche Kunstverlag, 2011) 369 – 378.
‘Visualizing Radiation: The Photographs of Henri Becquerel’ in Lorraine Daston and Elizabeth Lunbeck eds. Histories of Scientific Observation (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2011) 349 – 368.
‘Bilder von Becquerelstrahlen’ in Charlotte Bigg and Jochen Hennig eds., Atombilder Ikonografie des Atoms in Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit des 20. Jahrhunderts. (Gottingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2009) 37 – 40. (German)
‘Photography and the Art of Science’, Visual Studies, v.24, no.2 September 2009, Jan Baetens, guest editor, 163 – 168.
Photography and Science (London: Reaktion Books, 2009).
‘Looking Through Photographs: Art Archiving and Photography in the Photothek’ in Caraffa, Costanza ed. Fotografie als Instrument und Medium der Kunstgeschichte (Berlin and Munich: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2009) 117 – 127.
‘Resource Wars’, Subhankar Banerjee: Resource Wars (New York, Beverly Hills, Hong Kong: Sundaram Tagore Gallery, 2008) 11-14.
‘William Henry Fox Talbot und “The Picture which makes itself”, in Friedrich Weltzien (ed.), Von Selbst – Autopoietische Verfahren in der Ästhetik des 19. Jahrhunderts (Berlin: Reimer, 2006) 189-197. (German)
Roger Taylor and Kelley Wilder (eds.), Roger Fenton’s Letters from the Crimea, published 1 October 2004 at
Kelley Wilder and Martin Kemp, ‘Proof Positive in Sir John Herschel’s Concept of Photography’, History of Photography, v.26 n.4, Winter 2002, pp. 358–366.#text
2011 – 2012 Module leader of Research Methods, History of Photography, Theory & Photography for MA Photographic History and Practice, DMU Leicester
2010 – 2011 Module leader of Research Methods, History of Photography, Theory & Photography for MA Photographic History and Practice, DMU Leicester
2009 – 2010 Module leader of Research Methods, History of Photography, Images and Practice for MA Photographic History and Practice DMU, Leicester
2007 – 2008 Fall semester, Humboldt University. Co-teaching with Dr Matthias Bruhn, Fotografie 1800-1850 (German)
National Galleries of Scotland, Public Lecture, August 2011 The Artful Science: from Talbot to Sugimoto
Voir/Savoir (January 2011) Photography into Science: The Becquerel photographic methods Alexandre Koyré Institute, Paris
(De)constructing the Archive (November 2010, invited lecture) The Photographic Imaginary: the myth of the perfect archival medium Iris International Women’s Photography Network Loughborough University
Photo Archives II (conference, October 2009) Science and the Photographic Archive Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florenz
Geography and Photography (October 2009) Kodak and Photographic Research University of Zurich, Switzerland
History of Science Society (annual conference October 2008) Observation and the Photographic Method in the Laboratory of the Becquerels Pittsburgh, PA
The Educated Eye (conference, February 2008) I was the conference organizer Photographic Methods and Cultures of Evidence Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
De Montfort University, PG Cert. in Higher Education, with distinction, December 2010.
University of Oxford, D. Phil. (PhD), December 2003.
George Eastman House, Photographic Preservation and Archives Practice, Certification, 1995. Preservation of Books and Albums, Historic (Photographic) Process Identification, Cataloguing and Information Storage, Photographic Preservation (two sections), History of Photography (three sections), Archival Photographics, Digital Imaging for Archives, Chemistry of Photographic Deterioration (Image Permanence Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology), Film Preservation, History of the Book (Rochester Institute of Technology), Copying and Duplicating of Negatives, and Microphotography. Each quarter was accompanied by a practical.
Kenyon College, BA cum laude, Studio Art and English Literature, May 1993.