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Sprechstunde während Herbstsemester 2023: nach Vereinbarung
Terminanfragen sollten per E-Mail an Prof. Thomsen gesendet werden.
Bei allgemeine Anfragen an die Abteilung können die Assistentinnen kontaktiert werden: kgoa@khist.uzh.ch
Appointments during the fall semester 2023: by arrangement
Please contact Prof. Thomsen directly via e-mail to request an appointment.
For general questions, please contact the KGOA assistants: kgoa@khist.uzh.ch
Kolloquium für Studierende des Masterstudiengangs und Doktorierende
In addition: supervising Master Theses and PhD dissertations
The Zaigai Hihô project undertakes archival research on East Asian objects in museums and private collections in Switzerland. The aim is to closely study and document the individual objects and to also examine the histories of contact between Switzerland and East Asia. This investigation involves not only the objects themselves, but also the people, institutional frameworks, as well as economic, cultural, and personal networks. Thus the project will contribute to an understanding of the transnational cultural transfers between Switzerland and East Asia.
Japanische Holzschnitte / Japanese Woodblock Prints: aus der Sammlung Ernst Grosse. Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2018.
Haiku Surimono Collection Album of the Old Man Baimin, Vol 1. Diessenhofen: edition A-Z, 2019 (English edition)
Das Haiku Surimono Sammlungs-Album des alten Baimin, Band 1. Diessenhofen: edition A-Z, 2019 (German edition)
China and the West: Reconsidering Chinese Reverse Glass Painting. (co-edited with Francine Giese, Elisa Ambrosio, and Alina Martimyanova) Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022.
Lines from East Asia: Japanese and Chinese Art on Paper. (co-edited with Susanna Pollack) Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2022.
The Breath of Japan: Written and Painted Poetry, Japanese Contemporary Art / Der Atem Japans: Geschiebene und Gemalte Poesie, Japans Kunst der Gegenwart. (co-edited with Heinz Kroehl) München: Hirmer Verlag, 2022.
Giappone L’arte nel quotidiano: Manufatti mingei della Collezione Jeffrey Montgomery / Crafted Japan: Aspects of Mingei in the Jeffrey Montgomery Collection. (co-edited with Risella Menegazzo and Gianna A. Mina) Ligornetto: Museo Vincenzo Vela, 2019.
Heidi in Japan: Heidi Project of Japan. (co-edited with Kaori Chiba, Takashi Kawashima, Chihaya Koyama Lüthi, Aki Nishioka, Taizō Otani, and Takayoshi Yamamura). Zurich: Heidi Project of Japan , 2019.
Entdeckerlust: Burgdorfer Sammlerpersönlichkeiten und ihre ostasiatischen Schätze. (co-edited with Marion R. Gruber, Rebeca Gomez Morilla, and Anna Herren). University of Zurich East Asian Art Section, Journal of Research Projects, vol. 2. Zurich: Section of East Asian Art, University of Zurich, 2017.
Kirschblüte & Edelweiss: Der Import des Exotischen. (co-edited with Michaela Reichel). St. Gallen: Textilmuseum St. Gallen, 2014.
Le geste suspendu: estampes Kabuki de la collection du Cabinet d'arts graphiques / The Frozen Gesture - Kabuki Prints from the Collection of the Cabinet d'arts graphiques. (co-edited with Christian Rümelin). Cologne: Wienand, 2014.
Looking Modern: East Asian Visual Culture from the Treaty Ports to World War II. (co-edited with Jennifer Purtle). Chicago: Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago and Art Media Resources, Inc., 2009.
Publications in progress:
Linien aus Ostasien: Japanische und chinesische Kunst auf Papier (co-edited with Susanna Pollack). Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, (projected publication date: 2023).
Korean Art in the West: Tracing Objects from Creation to Collection (co-edited with Natasha Fischer-Vaidya; projected publication: 2023)
Heidi in Japan: Cross-cultural Studies of a Swiss Phenomenon (co-edited with Alfred Messerli) Cologne: Wienand Verlag, 2023 (projected publication date).
A Collection of Early Ukiyoe Masters (co-edited with Lukas Marti). University of Zurich East Asian Art Section, Journal of Research Projects, vol. 1. Zurich: Section of East Asian Art, University of Zurich. 2023 (projected publication date).
A Swiss Netsuke Collection (co-edited with Natasha Fischer-Vaidya and Alina Martimyanova). Zurich: Section for East Asian Art, University of Zurich: 2023 (projected publication date).
Imaging Reading – Reading Images (co-edited with Alfred Messerli). 2023 (projected publication date).
Additional edited works in process: Shunga in Words and Words in Shunga: Erotic Arts of Japan; Katagami in the West; and Moving Arts of Japan. 2023-24 (projected publication dates).
“Japanese Reverse Glass Painting: The Other East Asian Tradition,” in Francine Giese, Elisa Ambrosio, Alina Martimyanova, and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., China and the West: Reconsidering Chinese Reverse Glass Painting. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 175-194.
“Exhibiting Japanese Art in the West 西洋における日本美術とその展示,” in National Museum of Japanese History 国立歴史民俗博物館, ed. Kaigai de “Nihon” wo tenji suru koto: Zaigai shiryō chōsa kenkyū purojekuto hōkokusho 海外で《日本》を展示すること: 在外資料調査研究プロジェクト報告書 32 (English: Exhibiting “Japan” Overseas: A Report on the Research Project for Surveying Overseas Materials). Sakura, Japan: National Museum of Japanese History 国立歴史民俗博物館, 2022, pp. 107-122.
“Rimōto chōsa no kokoromi: chūrihhi daigaku higashi ajiashi gakka oyobi chūrihhi kōka daigaku gurafikku korekushon リモート調査の試み: チューリッヒ大学東アジア美術史学科およびチューリッ ヒ工科大学グラフィックコレクション,” in National Museum of Japanese History 国立歴史民俗博物館, ed. Kaigai de “Nihon” wo tenji suru koto: Zaigai shiryō chōsa kenkyū purojekuto hōkokusho 海外で《日本》を展示すること: 在外資料調査研究プロジェクト報告書 (English: Exhibiting “Japan” Overseas: A Report on the Research Project for Surveying Overseas Materials). Parts 1 and 2. Sakura, Japan: National Museum of Japanese History 国立歴史民俗博物館, 2022, pp. 145 and 197.
“The Japanese Ceramic Collection of Ariana Museum アリアナ美術館の日本陶磁コレクション,” in National Museum of Japanese History 国立歴史民俗博物館, ed. Kaigai de “Nihon” wo tenji suru koto: Zaigai shiryō chōsa kenkyū purojekuto hōkokusho 海外で《日本》を展示すること: 在外資料調査研究 プロジェクト報告書 (English: Exhibiting “Japan” Overseas: A Report on the Research Project for Surveying Overseas Materials). Sakura, Japan: National Museum of Japanese History 国立歴史民俗博物館, 2022, pp. 213-220.
“Some Preliminary Thoughts on Japanese Woodblock Prints,” in Susanne Pollack and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Lines from East Asia: Japanese and Chinese Art on Paper. Petersberg, Germany: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2022, pp. 16-25.
Catalogue entries, in Susanne Pollack and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Lines from East Asia: Japanese and Chinese Art on Paper. Petersberg, Germany: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2022, pp. 57-65, 79-84, 88-89, 95-100, 107-110, and 112-139.
“Poésie de ‘Surimono,’” in Bénédicte de Donker and Christian Rümelin, eds., Surimono. Geneva : Musee d’Art et D-Histoire de Geneve, 2022, pp. 6-19.
“Oeuvres,” in Bénédicte de Donker and Christian Rümelin, eds., Surimono. Geneva : Musee d’Art et DHistoire de Geneve, 2022, pp. 45-156
“In Praise of the Incomplete: Japanese Aesthetics of Fragments and Repairs,” in Anna Schmid, ed., Fragments: Pots, Patchwork and Power Figures. Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2022, pp. 20-31.
“Ein Lob auf das Unvollständige: Die japanische Ästhetik der Fragmente,” in Anna Schmid, ed., Stückwerk: Geflickte Krüge, Patchwork, Kraftfiguren. Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2022, pp. 20-31.
「17 世紀から19 世紀の日欧総合理解」("Comprehensive Understanding of Europe and Japan from the 17th to the 19th Centuries”)in Bruno Richtsfeld, Udo Beireis, and Kaori Hidaka, eds., 『異文化を伝えた人々III:シーボルトの日本博物館』 ("Transmitters of Another Culture III: Siebold’s Japan Museum”). Kyoto: Rinsen Shoten, 2022, pp. 101-124.
“Geschriebene und gemalte Kunst zwischen Innovation und Tradition / Brushed Arts in Japan between Innovation and Tradition,” in Heinz Kroehl and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Der Atem Japans: Geschiebene und Gemalte Poesie, Japans Kunst der Gegenwart / The Breath of Japan: Written and Painted Poetry, Japanese Contemporary Art, pp. 51-70, 2022.
“Die Künstlerinnen und Künstler und Ihre Werke: Eine Übersicht / The Artists and Their Work: An Overview,” in Heinz Kroehl and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Der Atem Japans: Geschiebene und Gemalte Poesie, Japans Kust der Gegenwart / The Breath of Japan: Written and Painted Poetry, Japanese Contemporary Art, pp. 87-154, 2022.
“Die Künstlerinnen und Künstler und Ihre Werke: Eine Übersicht / The Artists and Their Work: An Overview,” in Heinz Kroehl and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Der Atem Japans: Geschiebene und Gemalte Poesie, Japans Kust der Gegenwart / The Breath of Japan: Written and Painted Poetry, Japanese Contemporary Art, pp. 87-154, 2022.
“The Story of the Dog,” in Andrea Bignasca, et al, eds. Animalistic! Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2021, pp. 36-37 (German version: "Die Geschichte des Hundes,” in Andrea Bignasca, et al, eds. Tierisch! Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2021, pp. 36-37).
“The Collection of Japanese Ceramics in the Musee Ariana, as Compared with Those in Other Museums,” in Ana Quintero Perez and Stanislas Anthonioz, eds., Chrysanthèmes, Dragons et Samouraïs / Chrysanthemums, Dragons and Samurai. Geneva: Editions Georg, 2020, pp. 19-32
“A Hybrid Screen between Cultures and Centuries,” in Claire Brizon, et al, eds., Exotic Switzerland? Looking Outward in the Age of Enlightenment. Zurich, Paris and Berlin: Diaphanes, 2020, pp. 128-129. (English edition)
“Un paravent hybride entre les cultures et les siècles,” in Claire Brizon, et al, eds., Une Suisse exotique ? Regarder l’ailleurs en Suisse au siècle des Lumières. Zurich, Paris and Berlin: Diaphanes, 2020, pp. 128-129. (French edition)
“Gendering the Buddha: the Butsugen Butsumo Buddha in the Ethnological Collection of Freiburg,” in
Stephanie Schien and Tina Brüderlin, eds., Ausgepackt! 125 Jahre Geschichte(n) im Museum Natur und Mensch. Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, 2020.
“Chinesische Vorstellungen und Prozessionen in Batavia,» in Andreas Zangger and Ralph Harb, eds., Ferne Welten - fremde Schätze: ethnografische Objekte und frühe Fotografien aus Niederländisch-Indien: Sonderausstellung im Museum Heiden 2020. Biel/Bienne: edition clandestin, 2020
“Mingei, Sōetsu Yanagi, and the Jeffrey Montgomery Collection,” in Rosella Menegazzo, Gianna A. Mina, and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds. Giappone L’arte nel quotidiano: Manufatti mingei della Collezione Jeffrey Montgomery / Crafted Japan: Aspects of Mingei in the Jeffrey Montgomery Collection. Ligornetto: Museo Vincenzo Vela, 2019, pp. 10-21.
“Collective Memories: Heidi in Switzerland, Japan and the World,” in Harm-Peer Zimmermann, Peter O. Büttner, and Bernhard Tschofen, eds., Kreuz- und Querzüge: Beiträge zu einer literarischen Anthropologie. Festschrift für Alfred Messerli. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag, 2019, pp. 131-148.
“Zur Geschichte des japanischen Holzschnittes / History of the Japanese Woodblock Print,“ in Hans Bjarne Thomsen, ed., Japanische Holzschnitte / Japanese Woodblock Prints: aus der Sammlung Ernst Grosse. Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2018, pp. 10-19.
“Der japanische Garten,” in Matthias Zimmermann and Natascha Adamowsky, eds. Digitale Moderne: Die Modellwelten von Matthias Zimmermann. Munich: Hirmer Verlag, 2018, pp. 164-203.
“Bissier’s Artistic Adoption of East Asian Techniques / Bissiers künstlerische rezeption ostasiatischer Techniken,” in Isabel Herda and Anna Hagdorn, eds., Im Raum meiner Imagination: Julius Bissier und Ostasien / Julius Bissier and East Asia: The Realm of My Imagination. Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2018, pp. 36-47 (German and English)
「スイスから見た型紙研究の景色」『国際ワークショップ・学術資料としての「型紙」——資料の共有化と活用に向けて報告書』鈴木桂子と加茂瑞穂編集. 京都:立命館アート・リサーチセンター2017, pp. 13-18
“The Art of Change,” in LaBGC and ProMosaik, eds. Nosaltres - per un món millor. Hamburg: tradition, 2017, pp. 226-7.
“Ostasien und Burgdorf – über ein Kulturelle Verständnis,” in Marion R. Gruber, Rebeca Gomez Morilla, Anna Herren, and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Entdeckerlust: Burgdorfer Sammlerpersönlichkeiten und ihre ostasiatischen Schätze. Zurich: Section of East Asian Art, University of Zurich, 2017, pp. 13-21.
“Sumi-e: From Calligraphy to the Cat Paintings of Yoko Schmidt,” in Sumi-e Cats: Zeitgenössische Japanische Tuschemalerei, Yoko Schmidt. Munich: Yoko Schmidt, 2016, pp. 10-29
“Preface in Praise of the Incomplete” in Anonymos: Cara, LaBGC, ed. Hamburg: Tredition GmbH, 2016, 2017, 2018 pp. 7-13 (also published in German, Catalan, Spanish, Greek, Turkish, Russian, Arabian, and Italian)
「スイスの日本関係美術コレクション」『シーボルトが紹介したかった日本 = Siebold's vision of Japan : 欧米における日本関連コレクションを使った日本研究・日本展示を進めるために : 人間文化研究機構主催ボーフム・ルール大学共催国際シンポジウム報告書』, 2015
“Japanese Collections in Switzerland” in Siebold’s Vision of Japan: As Seen in Japan-Related Collections of the West. Edited by The National Museum of Japanese History. Sakura: National Museum of Japanese History, 2015, pp. 89-98 and 273-280.
“Emil Dill - A Preface,” in Georg Hilbi, Emil Dill (1861–1938). Zürich: Chronos, 2015, pp. 8-10
“Reproduction and the Copy in the World of Shasei 写生,” in Shigetoshi Osano, ed. Between East and West: Reproductions in Art. Proceedings of the 2013 CIHA Colloquium. Cracow: IRSA, 2014, pp. 275-288.
「スイスにおける日本コレクション」『PNC2013NIHU企画セッション報告集』人間文化研究機構研究資源共有化事業委員会編集発行, 2014
“Kabuki as a Private World,” in Christian Rümelin and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Le geste suspendu: estampes Kabuki de la collection du Cabinet d'arts graphiques / The Frozen Gesture - Kabuki Prints from the Collection of the Cabinet d'arts graphiques. Cologne: Wienand, 2014, pp. 98-107.
“On Japanese Art Brut in Switzerland,” in Monika Jagfeld, ed. Art Brut – Japan – Schweiz. St. Gallen: Museum Lagerhaus, 2014, pp. 10-11
“Nō Masks in Japanese Culture,“ in Jeanne Egloff, ed. Fliessende Welt, Verborgene Schönheit: Schätze aus Japan. St. Gallen: Historisches und Völkerkundemuseum St Gallen, 2014, pp. 46-57.
“Zwischen Japan und der Schweiz: Der Einfluss des Textilhandels auf die Entwicklung des Designs.” In Michaela Reichel and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds. Kirschblüte & Edelweiss: Der Import des Exotischen. St Gallen: Textilmuseum St. Gallen, 2014, pp. 113-128.
“An Island in the Middle of Europe: Switzerland and its Collections of East Asian Art,” in Committee of Resource Sharing Project, ed. Proceedings of the Study on Information Resources of the Human Science. Tokyo: National Institute for the Humanities, 2014, vol. 5, pp. 5-22 and 121-133.
"Individuality in a Communal Setting: Kyoto Ceramics and the Tradition of Innovation," in Fukami: Purity of Form, ed. Andreas Marks. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2011, pp. 26-39
“Looking Modern in Japan,” in Looking Modern: East Asian Visual Culture from Treaty Ports to World War II, Jennifer Purtle, and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds. Chicago: Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago and Art Media Resources, Inc., 2009, pp. 174-178.
“Birth of the Nun Anyō, Anonymous,” in Janice Katz, ed. Beyond Golden Clouds: Japanese Screens from the Art Institute of Chicago and the Saint Louis Art Museum. St. Louis and Chicago: St. Louis Art Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago, 2009, pp. 140-143.
“Roosters and Hens Attributed to Itō Jakuchū” 144-147 in Janice Katz, ed. Beyond Golden Clouds: Japanese Screens from the Art Institute of Chicago and the Saint Louis Art Museum. St. Louis and Chicago: St. Louis Art Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago, 2009, pp. 144-147.
“Bamboo, Kishi Ganku,” in Janice Katz, ed. Beyond Golden Clouds: Japanese Screens from the Art Institute of Chicago and the Saint Louis Art Museum. St. Louis and Chicago: St. Louis Art Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago, 2009, pp. 156-159.
“The Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion and Geese among Reeds, Noguchi Shōhin, ” in Janice Katz, ed. Beyond Golden Clouds: Japanese Screens from the Art Institute of Chicago and the Saint Louis Art Museum. St. Louis and Chicago: St. Louis Art Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago, 2009, pp. 172-176.
“Fish and Plants, Ikeda Keisen,” in Janice Katz, ed. Beyond Golden Clouds: Japanese Screens from the Art Institute of Chicago and the Saint Louis Art Museum. St. Louis and Chicago: St. Louis Art Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago, 2009, pp. 177-179.
“Blue Phoenix, Ōmura Kōyō,” in Janice Katz, ed. Beyond Golden Clouds: Japanese Screens from the Art Institute of Chicago and the Saint Louis Art Museum. St. Louis and Chicago: St. Louis Art Museum and the Art Institute of Chicago, 2009, pp. 180-183.
“International Trends in Modern Japanese Paintings: The Case of Ōmura Kōyō,” in Botsugo nijūgonen: Ōmura Kōyō tenrankai (Twenty-fifth Death Anniversary: The Paintings of Ōmura Kōyō). Fukuyama: Fukuyama Art Museum 2008, 106-8 and 132-5.
“Remarkable Visions: The Lauren Rogers Museum of Art Japanese Woodblock Print Collection,” in Jill Chancey, ed., The Floating World: Ukiyo-e Prints from the Wallace B. Rogers Collection. Laurel, MS: Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, 2008, 9-30.
“Eight Immortals of the Wine Cup: Appropriating and Transfiguring Chinese Subjects in Kyōka Surimono,” in Reading Surimono: The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints, with a Catalogue of the Marino Lusy Collection, John Carpenter, ed. Zürich, Leiden, and Boston: Museum Rietberg and Hotei Publishing, 2008, 92-99.
“Sueharu Fukami: Visions from the Shards of Sennyūji,” in Seihakuji: Porcelain Sculpture by Sueharu Fukami. New York and Frankfurt: Arnoldsche Verlag and Erik Thomsen Asian Art, 2008, 5-13.
“Uzumasa Festival” and “Black Dog and Boat” in Masters of the Brush: Ike Taiga and Tokuyama Gyokuran. Felice Fischer with Kyoko Kinoshita, eds. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2007, 415-8.
“Chinese Woodblock Prints and Their Influence on Japanese Ukiyo-e,” in Amy Reigle Newland, ed., The Hotei Encyclopedia of Japanese Woodblock Prints. 2 vols. Amsterdam: Hotei Publishing, 2005, vol 1, pp. 87-90.
Publications in progress:
“Japan zur Zeit Philipp Franz von Siebolds,” in Siebold-Gesellschaft e.V., ed., Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796-1866): Sammler und Japanforscher. Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Germany: Akamedon, 2023, pp. 107-139 (projected publication date: 2023)
“The Hare with Amber Eyes in Switzerland - A Research Project” in Natasha Fischer-Vaidya and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., A Swiss Netsuke Collection. Zurich: Section for East Asian Art, University of Zurich: 2023 (projected publication date).
“Travelling Bowls: Social Lives of Korean Ceramics,” in Natasha Fischer-Vaidya and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Korean Art in the West: Tracing Objects from Creation to Collection. 2023 (projected publication date).
“Role of the Lokehan in the Creation of the Anime Heidi,” in Alfred Messerli and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Heidi in Japan: Cross-cultural Studies of a Swiss Phenomenon. Cologne: Wienand Verlag, 2023 (projected publication date).
“Reading the Nation: Ninomiya Sontoku and Japanese Imperial Education,” in Alfred Messerli and Hans Bjarne Thomsen, eds., Imaging Reading – Reading Images, 2023 (projected publication date).
“Foreign Agency in Early Japanese Photography: As Seen Through Swiss Collections” in Bettina Gockel, Sophie Junge, eds., Geography of Photography. Japan: Photography and Photographers. Zurich: Center for Studies in the Theory and History of Photography at the Institute of Art History at Zurich University, 2023 (projected publication date).
"Le troisième Genre,” Journal de Musee d’Art et D-Histoire de Geneve, January, 2023, pp. 74 & 103-4.
“Utamaro und seine schönen Frauen: Aspekte der japanischen Frauen im achtzehnten Jahrhundert,” Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich, Blog, October 14, 2022.
“Words to an Exhibition of the Works of Hiroshi Ōnishi.” In Hiroshi Ōnishi: Bluescapes. Zurich: Escapement Art, 2021.
“Japanese Bronze Bells in Switzerland: Global Travel and Local Interpretations.” Global Europe – Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective 220 (2021), pp. 13-36
“A Simple Photograph: Discoveries and Research into Japan and Switzerland.” Wasshoi! Interdisciplinary Magazine on Japan 1 (2020), pp. 8-12
“Japanese Studies Outside of Japan: The Case Study of Switzerland.” Rekihaku 1 (Ocotber, 2020), pp. 102-110
“Rares Fundstück: Kakiemon-Samurai (1670–1690).” University of Zurich Journal: Die Campus-Zeitung der Universität Zürich Nr. 4 (December 2020), 9
“Ein Bild für den Kaiser.” (with Martin Dusinberre) Geschichte (February, 2018), pp. 12-14
“Rediscovered Japanese Stencils.” Asia & Europe Bulletin, (6/2017), pp. 19-20.
“Translation and Cultural Concepts.” Asia & Europe Bulletin, (3/2014), pp. 14-16.
“Koreanische Kostbarkeiten in Burgdorf.” Das Schloss (1/2012), p. 4
“The Other Hiroshige: Connoisseur of the Good Life,” Impressions 24 (December, 2002): pp. 15-21 and 48-71.
“Reform through Art: The Political Use of Currency Designs in Early Modern Japan,” Publications of the European Japan Experts Association (EJEA), 4 (2002): pp. 89-100.
“Food and Art: Hiroshige’s Restaurant prints in the Elvehjem.” Bulletin of the Elvehjem Museum of Art, Summer 2002 issue, pp. 27-40.
“Jakuchū ten 若冲展 (The Jakuchū Exhibition).” Bijutsu Forum 4. Kyoto: Daigo Shobō, 2001, pp. 131-135. (in Japanese)
“Hokusai’s Great Wave. Review of Christine M. E. Guth, Hokusai’s Great Wave: Biography of a Global Icon (Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 2015.” Print Quarterly 36, 1 (March, 2019) pp. 71-74.
Katagami: short version (2013), editorial supervision: Yuki Ikuta
Katagami: long version (2013), editorial supervision: Yuki Ikuta