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Kunsthistorisches Institut

ATELIERBESUCH BEI RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co)

21. Juni 2021, 18:30-20:00 Uhr

Atelierbesuch bei RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co)

Gelber Grund mit weissem Text

ATELIERBESUCH BEI RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co)

Montag, 21. Juni 2021, 18:30-20:00 Uhr

RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co), that are Marie-Antoinette Chiarenza [1957 Tunis] and Daniel Hauser [1959 Bern] are working as a team since 1983. The ''& co'' in their name refers to all kinds of cooperations with people. People are sometimes involved in the artworks, other times they are just involved in the process, depending on the context of places and themes. The group became known with statements such as thinking alone is criminal (1991), artists are no flags (1993), I am a woman, why are you not? (1995), getting paid for doing nothing (2007 - 2009) and: you pay but you don‘t agree with the price (1994 - 2013).

AHH is pleased to offer the opportunity to have a closer look at this complex body of work by this visionary artists' group in the context of their studio followed by an aperitivo. See also

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Ort: Zürich-Altstetten, genaue Adresse wird nach Anmeldung bekannt gegeben

Zeit: 18:30-20 Uhr 

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Abbildung: RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co), what do we want to keep?, digitaler Druck auf Papier, 2018, 134 x 500 cm, 5er Edition
Photo © Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz / Stefan Altenburger Photography, Zürich
